(Scroll down for the English version)
Hola otra vez. Está visto que ultimamnete sólo tengo tiempo para colgar las recetas de Bundt Bakers y es que no quisiera faltar a esta cita mensual tan simpática y con la que tanto estoy aprendiendo. Por si no lo habéis leido en posts anteriores, #Bundtbakers está abierto a que os
apuntéis cuando queráis. Sólo hay que mandar un email con la URL de
vuestro blog a a foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com También podéis visitar su
página y allí lo explican todo pero os comento brevemente que
#Bundtbakers es un grupo de bloggers a los que les apasionan los bundts y
que se reúnen una vez al mes para hacer una receta con un ingrediente,
elegido por un anfitrión que normalmente es voluntario. Pinchad en el
logo para ir a su página.
La anfitriona del mes de Marzo es Kelly de Passion Kneaded | http://passionkneaded.blogspot.com
La propuesta de Kelly me ha tenido en jaque ya que que el Bundt de este mes debe estar basado en alguna de las recetas de las galletas que venden las Girls Scouts en los USA. Gracias Kelly por esta propuesta tan interesante, hasta que he empezado a indagar para hacer este Bundt no tenía ni idea de que existieran unas galletas específicas para ser vendidas por las Girls Scouts y que además siguen un standar determinado.
Si queréis saber más cosas del tema os recomiendo que visitéis Galletas de Girls Scout y por supuesto también la increíble colección de Bundts que hemos colgado en #BUNDTBAKERS Pinterest basados todos en esas galletitas.
Y bien, finalmente me he decidido por hacer un Bundt de limón basado en las Lemonades. Tengo un limonero en el jardín. Es un árbol algo temperamental. Los vecinos también tienen y no saben qué hacer con la cantidad de limones que dan sus árboles. El mío ha dado 11 en total y he aprovechado para hacer Limoncello y este Bundt. La receta del bizcocho la he adaptado del libro de Jane Pettygrew The National Trust Book of Tea-Time Recipes.
Lo que he hecho, y creo que mis compañeras de #BUNDTBAKERS también, es adaptar la receta básica de las galletas escogidas a una receta de bizcocho para poder darle forma de Bundt. Os dejo ambas recetas por si lo que apetece son las galletas y no el bizcocho. También os recuerdo que aunque nosotras nos dedicamos a hacer Bundts, estas recetas pueden hacerse en moldes tradicionales.
Ahi van las galletas
mantequilla 225gr
azúcar en polvo (icing) 60gr
Maicena 30gr
harina 200gr
la ralladura de un limón (sólo la parte amarilla)
En una batidora batir la mantequilla hasta que esté cremosa, añadir todos los demás ingredientes a velocidad baja.
Hacer una bola. Si es necesario meter un rato en la nevera para poder trabajarla.
Con el rodillo, estirarla hasta que que de un grosor de 0,5cm.
Cortar las galletas redondas y pasarlas a una bandeja de horno.
Hornear a 200ºC unos 11-14 minutos. No deben quedar muy tostadas.
y ahora mi adaptación para el Bundt Cake
BUNDT de Limón
mantequilla 230gr a temperatura ambiente
azúcar granulada 200gr
1 tsp de vainilla
huevos 4 a temperatura ambiente
ralladura de un limón (sólo la parte amarilla)
harina 260gr
2 tsp de levadura química tipo Royal
una pizca de sal
60ml de zumo de limón
*estas cantidades van bien para un molde de 22cm o 23cm.
INGREDIENTES para el glaseado
120 gr de azúcar en polvo
2-4 tbsps de zumo de limón natural
- Precalentamos el horno a 180ºC. Preparamos el molde untándolo con mantequilla o con spray.
- En el bol de la batidora, batimos la mantequilla y el azúcar hasta crear una mezcla esponjosa y de un color pálido, tardaremos 3 ó 4 minutos. Durante el batido hay que vigilar que no quede nada adherido a las paredes del bol, así que de vez en cuando pararemos la máquina, bajaremos todo al fondo y seguiremos batiendo.
- Añadimos ahora la esecia de vainilla (que sea de la buena) y los huevos uno a uno batiendo despues de cada adición hasta tener una mezcla homogénea. En este punto veréis que la masa tiene un aspecto como de estar cortada. No preocuparse, es normal.
- En otro bol mezclamos la ralladura de limón
y todos los ingredientes sólidos que quedan: harina, sal y levadura en polvo.
- Añadiremos la mezcla de harina alternando con el zumo de limón. Empezando con harina (1/3), zumo de limón (1/2), harina...etc
- Cuando esté todo amalgamado lo ponemos en el molde, igualamos la superficie y lo metemos en el horno unos 40min. Cuidado con dejarlo demasiado tiempo, el bizcocho se secaría. Recordad que las indicaciones de tiempo de horneado son siempre aproximadas; si meto esto en mi horno 40min lo más seguro es que se me queme así que vigiladlo.
- Cuando se saca del horno de deja enfriar unos 15min en el molde y luego se desmolda con cuidado y se deja enfriar completamente* en una rejilla.
Para hacer el frosting/glaseado:
- Pasamos el azúcar por el cedazo para quitarle cualquier grumo
- Le añadimos zumo de limon y mezclamos hasta obtener una consisencia suave y espesa .
*una cosita, si le ponemos el frosting cuando esté completamente frío, éste no penetrará en el bizcocho, por el contrario, si le ponemos el frosting mientras está todavía tivio, parte de la mezcla empapará. Lo digo para que escojáis si queréis tener el frosting ya preparado de antemano. Lo dejo a vuestra elección, yo lo he hecho en frío porque no quiero arriesgarme a que se deforme el Bundt. De ambos modos está riquísimo.
- Bañad la parte superior con el frosting. Cuando cristalice de nuevo se endurecerá.
Pues aquí está, como siempre, buenísimo y muy adecuado para merendar acompañado con té o café.
Espero haber sabido incluir en este Bundt la esencia de las Lemonades.
Si queréis ver qué han estado haciendo los #BundtBakers este mes, aquí tenéis una lista de los enlaces de sus blogs. No os lo perdáis!!!!
If you want to see what #BundtBakers have been up to this month, here you have a list of the links to their blogs. Do not miss it!!!!!
- See more at: http://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com.es/#sthash.MUeHElop.dpuf
- See more at: http://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com.es/#sthash.MUeHElop.dpuf
- See more at: http://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com.es/#sthash.MUeHElop.dpuf
- See more at: http://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com.es/#sthash.MUeHElop.dpuf
Hello everybody!
Here I am again just on time for my monthly appointment with #BundtBakers.
Lo que he hecho, y creo que mis compañeras de #BUNDTBAKERS también, es adaptar la receta básica de las galletas escogidas a una receta de bizcocho para poder darle forma de Bundt. Os dejo ambas recetas por si lo que apetece son las galletas y no el bizcocho. También os recuerdo que aunque nosotras nos dedicamos a hacer Bundts, estas recetas pueden hacerse en moldes tradicionales.
Ahi van las galletas

mantequilla 225gr
azúcar en polvo (icing) 60gr
Maicena 30gr
harina 200gr
la ralladura de un limón (sólo la parte amarilla)
En una batidora batir la mantequilla hasta que esté cremosa, añadir todos los demás ingredientes a velocidad baja.
Hacer una bola. Si es necesario meter un rato en la nevera para poder trabajarla.
Con el rodillo, estirarla hasta que que de un grosor de 0,5cm.
Cortar las galletas redondas y pasarlas a una bandeja de horno.
Hornear a 200ºC unos 11-14 minutos. No deben quedar muy tostadas.
y ahora mi adaptación para el Bundt Cake
BUNDT de Limón
mantequilla 230gr a temperatura ambiente
azúcar granulada 200gr
1 tsp de vainilla
huevos 4 a temperatura ambiente
ralladura de un limón (sólo la parte amarilla)
harina 260gr
2 tsp de levadura química tipo Royal
una pizca de sal
60ml de zumo de limón
*estas cantidades van bien para un molde de 22cm o 23cm.
INGREDIENTES para el glaseado
120 gr de azúcar en polvo
2-4 tbsps de zumo de limón natural
- Precalentamos el horno a 180ºC. Preparamos el molde untándolo con mantequilla o con spray.
- Añadimos ahora la esecia de vainilla (que sea de la buena) y los huevos uno a uno batiendo despues de cada adición hasta tener una mezcla homogénea. En este punto veréis que la masa tiene un aspecto como de estar cortada. No preocuparse, es normal.
- En otro bol mezclamos la ralladura de limón
- Brown Sugar Coconut Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache from Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
- Chocolate Dipped Vanilla Mini Bundt Cakes from Renee at Magnolia Days
- Chocolate Mint Bundt Cake from Teri at The Freshman Cook
- Coconut Caramel Samoas Bundt Cake from Anshie at Spice Roots
- Cranberry Lemon Bundt Cake from Jelena at A Kingdom for a Cake
- Do Si Do Mini Bundts from Anne at From My Sweet Heart
- Double Glazed Peanut Butter & Chocolate Fudge Bundt from Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Golden Nut Bundt (Juliettes Bundt) from Tammy at Living the Gourmet
- Lemon Bundt Cake with Lemonade Frosting from Anna at Media Racion Doble, Por Favor
- Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake with Limoncello Glaze from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes
- Lemonada Bundt from Jane at Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Lemonade Bundt Cake from Esti at Mummy & Cute
- Marbled Samoa Bundt Cake from Patricia at Patty's Cake
- Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes from Andrea at Adventures in All Things Food
- Mini Vanilla Bundt Cakes with Lemon Drizzle from Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Mint Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake from Sarah at The Chef Next Door
- Mint Filled Coconut Vanilla Bundt from Shilpi at Simply Veggies
- Peanut Butter Tagalong Bundt Cake from Mary at That's My Home
- Peppermint & Chocolate Marble Bundt Cake from Lara at Tartacadabra
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Beatriz and Mara at I Love Bundt Cakes
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Jana at Jenny and Sweets
- Samoas Bundt Cake from Aisha at La Cocina de Aisha
- "Savannah Smiles" Lemony Bundt Cake from Samantha at Un Mordisco Un Pecado
- Spiked Lemonade Bundt from Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Tagalong Cookie Core Bundt from Julie at Eat, Drink, Be Mighty
- Thin Mint Bundt Cake with Mint Chocolate Drizzle from Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Thin Mint Chocolate Bundt Cake from Rebekah at Making Miracles
- Toffee-tastic Bundt Cake from Linda at Brunch with Joy
- Trios (Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip-Oat) Bundt from Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? (Tagalong Bundt Cake) from Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Whole Grain Oats Bundt {Rah-Rah Raisins} from Rocio at KidsandChic
- Añadiremos la mezcla de harina alternando con el zumo de limón. Empezando con harina (1/3), zumo de limón (1/2), harina...etc
- Cuando se saca del horno de deja enfriar unos 15min en el molde y luego se desmolda con cuidado y se deja enfriar completamente* en una rejilla.
Para hacer el frosting/glaseado:
- Pasamos el azúcar por el cedazo para quitarle cualquier grumo
- Le añadimos zumo de limon y mezclamos hasta obtener una consisencia suave y espesa .
*una cosita, si le ponemos el frosting cuando esté completamente frío, éste no penetrará en el bizcocho, por el contrario, si le ponemos el frosting mientras está todavía tivio, parte de la mezcla empapará. Lo digo para que escojáis si queréis tener el frosting ya preparado de antemano. Lo dejo a vuestra elección, yo lo he hecho en frío porque no quiero arriesgarme a que se deforme el Bundt. De ambos modos está riquísimo.
- Bañad la parte superior con el frosting. Cuando cristalice de nuevo se endurecerá.
Corte del Bundt, buenísimo... |
Espero haber sabido incluir en este Bundt la esencia de las Lemonades.
Si queréis ver qué han estado haciendo los #BundtBakers este mes, aquí tenéis una lista de los enlaces de sus blogs. No os lo perdáis!!!!
If you want to see what #BundtBakers have been up to this month, here you have a list of the links to their blogs. Do not miss it!!!!!
- Brown Sugar Coconut Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache from Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
- Chocolate Dipped Vanilla Mini Bundt Cakes from Renee at Magnolia Days
- Chocolate Mint Bundt Cake from Teri at The Freshman Cook
- Coconut Caramel Samoas Bundt Cake from Anshie at Spice Roots
- Cranberry Lemon Bundt Cake from Jelena at A Kingdom for a Cake
- Do Si Do Mini Bundts from Anne at From My Sweet Heart
- Double Glazed Peanut Butter & Chocolate Fudge Bundt from Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Golden Nut Bundt (Juliettes Bundt) from Tammy at Living the Gourmet
- Lemon Bundt Cake with Lemonade Frosting from Anna at Media Racion Doble, Por Favor
- Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake with Limoncello Glaze from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes
- Lemonada Bundt from Jane at Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Lemonade Bundt Cake from Esti at Mummy & Cute
- Marbled Samoa Bundt Cake from Patricia at Patty's Cake
- Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes from Andrea at Adventures in All Things Food
- Mini Vanilla Bundt Cakes with Lemon Drizzle from Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Mint Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake from Sarah at The Chef Next Door
- Mint Filled Coconut Vanilla Bundt from Shilpi at Simply Veggies
- Peanut Butter Tagalong Bundt Cake from Mary at That's My Home
- Peppermint & Chocolate Marble Bundt Cake from Lara at Tartacadabra
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Beatriz and Mara at I Love Bundt Cakes
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Jana at Jenny and Sweets
- Samoas Bundt Cake from Aisha at La Cocina de Aisha
- "Savannah Smiles" Lemony Bundt Cake from Samantha at Un Mordisco Un Pecado
- Spiked Lemonade Bundt from Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Tagalong Cookie Core Bundt from Julie at Eat, Drink, Be Mighty
- Thin Mint Bundt Cake with Mint Chocolate Drizzle from Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Thin Mint Chocolate Bundt Cake from Rebekah at Making Miracles
- Toffee-tastic Bundt Cake from Linda at Brunch with Joy
- Trios (Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip-Oat) Bundt from Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? (Tagalong Bundt Cake) from Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Whole Grain Oats Bundt {Rah-Rah Raisins} from Rocio at KidsandChic
- Brown Sugar Coconut Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache from Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
- Chocolate Dipped Vanilla Mini Bundt Cakes from Renee at Magnolia Days
- Chocolate Mint Bundt Cake from Teri at The Freshman Cook
- Coconut Caramel Samoas Bundt Cake from Anshie at Spice Roots
- Cranberry Lemon Bundt Cake from Jelena at A Kingdom for a Cake
- Do Si Do Mini Bundts from Anne at From My Sweet Heart
- Double Glazed Peanut Butter & Chocolate Fudge Bundt from Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Golden Nut Bundt (Juliettes Bundt) from Tammy at Living the Gourmet
- Lemon Bundt Cake with Lemonade Frosting from Anna at Media Racion Doble, Por Favor
- Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake with Limoncello Glaze from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes
- Lemonada Bundt from Jane at Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Lemonade Bundt Cake from Esti at Mummy & Cute
- Marbled Samoa Bundt Cake from Patricia at Patty's Cake
- Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes from Andrea at Adventures in All Things Food
- Mini Vanilla Bundt Cakes with Lemon Drizzle from Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Mint Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake from Sarah at The Chef Next Door
- Mint Filled Coconut Vanilla Bundt from Shilpi at Simply Veggies
- Peanut Butter Tagalong Bundt Cake from Mary at That's My Home
- Peppermint & Chocolate Marble Bundt Cake from Lara at Tartacadabra
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Beatriz and Mara at I Love Bundt Cakes
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Jana at Jenny and Sweets
- Samoas Bundt Cake from Aisha at La Cocina de Aisha
- "Savannah Smiles" Lemony Bundt Cake from Samantha at Un Mordisco Un Pecado
- Spiked Lemonade Bundt from Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Tagalong Cookie Core Bundt from Julie at Eat, Drink, Be Mighty
- Thin Mint Bundt Cake with Mint Chocolate Drizzle from Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Thin Mint Chocolate Bundt Cake from Rebekah at Making Miracles
- Toffee-tastic Bundt Cake from Linda at Brunch with Joy
- Trios (Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip-Oat) Bundt from Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? (Tagalong Bundt Cake) from Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Whole Grain Oats Bundt {Rah-Rah Raisins} from Rocio at KidsandChic
- Brown Sugar Coconut Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache from Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
- Chocolate Dipped Vanilla Mini Bundt Cakes from Renee at Magnolia Days
- Chocolate Mint Bundt Cake from Teri at The Freshman Cook
- Coconut Caramel Samoas Bundt Cake from Anshie at Spice Roots
- Cranberry Lemon Bundt Cake from Jelena at A Kingdom for a Cake
- Do Si Do Mini Bundts from Anne at From My Sweet Heart
- Double Glazed Peanut Butter & Chocolate Fudge Bundt from Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Golden Nut Bundt (Juliettes Bundt) from Tammy at Living the Gourmet
- Lemon Bundt Cake with Lemonade Frosting from Anna at Media Racion Doble, Por Favor
- Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake with Limoncello Glaze from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes
- Lemonada Bundt from Jane at Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Lemonade Bundt Cake from Esti at Mummy & Cute
- Marbled Samoa Bundt Cake from Patricia at Patty's Cake
- Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes from Andrea at Adventures in All Things Food
- Mini Vanilla Bundt Cakes with Lemon Drizzle from Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Mint Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake from Sarah at The Chef Next Door
- Mint Filled Coconut Vanilla Bundt from Shilpi at Simply Veggies
- Peanut Butter Tagalong Bundt Cake from Mary at That's My Home
- Peppermint & Chocolate Marble Bundt Cake from Lara at Tartacadabra
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Beatriz and Mara at I Love Bundt Cakes
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Jana at Jenny and Sweets
- Samoas Bundt Cake from Aisha at La Cocina de Aisha
- "Savannah Smiles" Lemony Bundt Cake from Samantha at Un Mordisco Un Pecado
- Spiked Lemonade Bundt from Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Tagalong Cookie Core Bundt from Julie at Eat, Drink, Be Mighty
- Thin Mint Bundt Cake with Mint Chocolate Drizzle from Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Thin Mint Chocolate Bundt Cake from Rebekah at Making Miracles
- Toffee-tastic Bundt Cake from Linda at Brunch with Joy
- Trios (Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip-Oat) Bundt from Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? (Tagalong Bundt Cake) from Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Whole Grain Oats Bundt {Rah-Rah Raisins} from Rocio at KidsandChic
- See more at: http://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com.es/#sthash.MUeHElop.dpuf
- Brown Sugar Coconut Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache from Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
- Chocolate Dipped Vanilla Mini Bundt Cakes from Renee at Magnolia Days
- Chocolate Mint Bundt Cake from Teri at The Freshman Cook
- Coconut Caramel Samoas Bundt Cake from Anshie at Spice Roots
- Cranberry Lemon Bundt Cake from Jelena at A Kingdom for a Cake
- Do Si Do Mini Bundts from Anne at From My Sweet Heart
- Double Glazed Peanut Butter & Chocolate Fudge Bundt from Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Golden Nut Bundt (Juliettes Bundt) from Tammy at Living the Gourmet
- Lemon Bundt Cake with Lemonade Frosting from Anna at Media Racion Doble, Por Favor
- Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake with Limoncello Glaze from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes
- Lemonada Bundt from Jane at Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Lemonade Bundt Cake from Esti at Mummy & Cute
- Marbled Samoa Bundt Cake from Patricia at Patty's Cake
- Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes from Andrea at Adventures in All Things Food
- Mini Vanilla Bundt Cakes with Lemon Drizzle from Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Mint Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake from Sarah at The Chef Next Door
- Mint Filled Coconut Vanilla Bundt from Shilpi at Simply Veggies
- Peanut Butter Tagalong Bundt Cake from Mary at That's My Home
- Peppermint & Chocolate Marble Bundt Cake from Lara at Tartacadabra
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Beatriz and Mara at I Love Bundt Cakes
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Jana at Jenny and Sweets
- Samoas Bundt Cake from Aisha at La Cocina de Aisha
- "Savannah Smiles" Lemony Bundt Cake from Samantha at Un Mordisco Un Pecado
- Spiked Lemonade Bundt from Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Tagalong Cookie Core Bundt from Julie at Eat, Drink, Be Mighty
- Thin Mint Bundt Cake with Mint Chocolate Drizzle from Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Thin Mint Chocolate Bundt Cake from Rebekah at Making Miracles
- Toffee-tastic Bundt Cake from Linda at Brunch with Joy
- Trios (Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip-Oat) Bundt from Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? (Tagalong Bundt Cake) from Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Whole Grain Oats Bundt {Rah-Rah Raisins} from Rocio at KidsandChic
- See more at: http://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com.es/#sthash.MUeHElop.dpuf
- Brown Sugar Coconut Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache from Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
- Chocolate Dipped Vanilla Mini Bundt Cakes from Renee at Magnolia Days
- Chocolate Mint Bundt Cake from Teri at The Freshman Cook
- Coconut Caramel Samoas Bundt Cake from Anshie at Spice Roots
- Cranberry Lemon Bundt Cake from Jelena at A Kingdom for a Cake
- Do Si Do Mini Bundts from Anne at From My Sweet Heart
- Double Glazed Peanut Butter & Chocolate Fudge Bundt from Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Golden Nut Bundt (Juliettes Bundt) from Tammy at Living the Gourmet
- Lemon Bundt Cake with Lemonade Frosting from Anna at Media Racion Doble, Por Favor
- Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake with Limoncello Glaze from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes
- Lemonada Bundt from Jane at Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Lemonade Bundt Cake from Esti at Mummy & Cute
- Marbled Samoa Bundt Cake from Patricia at Patty's Cake
- Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes from Andrea at Adventures in All Things Food
- Mini Vanilla Bundt Cakes with Lemon Drizzle from Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Mint Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake from Sarah at The Chef Next Door
- Mint Filled Coconut Vanilla Bundt from Shilpi at Simply Veggies
- Peanut Butter Tagalong Bundt Cake from Mary at That's My Home
- Peppermint & Chocolate Marble Bundt Cake from Lara at Tartacadabra
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Beatriz and Mara at I Love Bundt Cakes
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Jana at Jenny and Sweets
- Samoas Bundt Cake from Aisha at La Cocina de Aisha
- "Savannah Smiles" Lemony Bundt Cake from Samantha at Un Mordisco Un Pecado
- Spiked Lemonade Bundt from Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Tagalong Cookie Core Bundt from Julie at Eat, Drink, Be Mighty
- Thin Mint Bundt Cake with Mint Chocolate Drizzle from Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Thin Mint Chocolate Bundt Cake from Rebekah at Making Miracles
- Toffee-tastic Bundt Cake from Linda at Brunch with Joy
- Trios (Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip-Oat) Bundt from Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? (Tagalong Bundt Cake) from Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Whole Grain Oats Bundt {Rah-Rah Raisins} from Rocio at KidsandChic
- See more at: http://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com.es/#sthash.MUeHElop.dpuf
- Brown Sugar Coconut Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache from Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
- Chocolate Dipped Vanilla Mini Bundt Cakes from Renee at Magnolia Days
- Chocolate Mint Bundt Cake from Teri at The Freshman Cook
- Coconut Caramel Samoas Bundt Cake from Anshie at Spice Roots
- Cranberry Lemon Bundt Cake from Jelena at A Kingdom for a Cake
- Do Si Do Mini Bundts from Anne at From My Sweet Heart
- Double Glazed Peanut Butter & Chocolate Fudge Bundt from Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Golden Nut Bundt (Juliettes Bundt) from Tammy at Living the Gourmet
- Lemon Bundt Cake with Lemonade Frosting from Anna at Media Racion Doble, Por Favor
- Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake with Limoncello Glaze from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes
- Lemonada Bundt from Jane at Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Lemonade Bundt Cake from Esti at Mummy & Cute
- Marbled Samoa Bundt Cake from Patricia at Patty's Cake
- Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes from Andrea at Adventures in All Things Food
- Mini Vanilla Bundt Cakes with Lemon Drizzle from Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Mint Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake from Sarah at The Chef Next Door
- Mint Filled Coconut Vanilla Bundt from Shilpi at Simply Veggies
- Peanut Butter Tagalong Bundt Cake from Mary at That's My Home
- Peppermint & Chocolate Marble Bundt Cake from Lara at Tartacadabra
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Beatriz and Mara at I Love Bundt Cakes
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Jana at Jenny and Sweets
- Samoas Bundt Cake from Aisha at La Cocina de Aisha
- "Savannah Smiles" Lemony Bundt Cake from Samantha at Un Mordisco Un Pecado
- Spiked Lemonade Bundt from Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Tagalong Cookie Core Bundt from Julie at Eat, Drink, Be Mighty
- Thin Mint Bundt Cake with Mint Chocolate Drizzle from Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Thin Mint Chocolate Bundt Cake from Rebekah at Making Miracles
- Toffee-tastic Bundt Cake from Linda at Brunch with Joy
- Trios (Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip-Oat) Bundt from Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? (Tagalong Bundt Cake) from Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Whole Grain Oats Bundt {Rah-Rah Raisins} from Rocio at KidsandChic
- See more at: http://pattyscake-pbb.blogspot.com.es/#sthash.MUeHElop.dpuf
- Brown Sugar Coconut Bundt Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache from Tux at Brooklyn Homemaker
- Chocolate Dipped Vanilla Mini Bundt Cakes from Renee at Magnolia Days
- Chocolate Mint Bundt Cake from Teri at The Freshman Cook
- Coconut Caramel Samoas Bundt Cake from Anshie at Spice Roots
- Cranberry Lemon Bundt Cake from Jelena at A Kingdom for a Cake
- Do Si Do Mini Bundts from Anne at From My Sweet Heart
- Double Glazed Peanut Butter & Chocolate Fudge Bundt from Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Golden Nut Bundt (Juliettes Bundt) from Tammy at Living the Gourmet
- Lemon Bundt Cake with Lemonade Frosting from Anna at Media Racion Doble, Por Favor
- Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake with Limoncello Glaze from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes
- Lemonada Bundt from Jane at Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Lemonade Bundt Cake from Esti at Mummy & Cute
- Marbled Samoa Bundt Cake from Patricia at Patty's Cake
- Mini Samoa Bundt Cakes from Andrea at Adventures in All Things Food
- Mini Vanilla Bundt Cakes with Lemon Drizzle from Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Mint Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake from Sarah at The Chef Next Door
- Mint Filled Coconut Vanilla Bundt from Shilpi at Simply Veggies
- Peanut Butter Tagalong Bundt Cake from Mary at That's My Home
- Peppermint & Chocolate Marble Bundt Cake from Lara at Tartacadabra
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Beatriz and Mara at I Love Bundt Cakes
- Samoa Bundt Cake from Jana at Jenny and Sweets
- Samoas Bundt Cake from Aisha at La Cocina de Aisha
- "Savannah Smiles" Lemony Bundt Cake from Samantha at Un Mordisco Un Pecado
- Spiked Lemonade Bundt from Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Tagalong Cookie Core Bundt from Julie at Eat, Drink, Be Mighty
- Thin Mint Bundt Cake with Mint Chocolate Drizzle from Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Thin Mint Chocolate Bundt Cake from Rebekah at Making Miracles
- Toffee-tastic Bundt Cake from Linda at Brunch with Joy
- Trios (Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip-Oat) Bundt from Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- What's your favorite Girl Scout Cookie? (Tagalong Bundt Cake) from Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm
- Whole Grain Oats Bundt {Rah-Rah Raisins} from Rocio at KidsandChic
Hello everybody!
Here I am again just on time for my monthly appointment with #BundtBakers.
#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board right here. http://www.pinterest.com/flpl/bundtbakers/ Links are also updated after each event on the BundtBaker home page. http://www.foodlustpeoplelove.com/p/bundtbakers.html
We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send an email with your blog URL to foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com.
Kelly's choice of the "special ingredient" has been quite a challenge to me. She wanted us to make our Bundts based on the Girls Scout cookies collection. Until now I knew nothing about Girls Scouts not to mention the cookies they sell. This is all quite alien to my culture but nonetheless very interesting and exiting.
Thank you so much Kelly for hosting and for your choice. I am learning a lot!
Well, after surfing the web for inspiration, I decided to have a go at the Lemonades. My husband was brought up in the USA and he absolutely adores this cookies, in addition, we have a lemon tree in the back yard; it is quite a temperamental little tree. Our neighbors have one as well and they do not know what to do with all the lemons their tree gives them; mine has produced just 11 lemons. I have used them all in making limoncelo and this Bundt.
I found a very simple Lemonades recipe and I started working from these ingredients to get to a dough that could be baked in a Bundt.
Well I have ended up with a very simple lemon pound cake mixture from Jane Pettygrew's The National Trust Book of Tea-Time Recipes.
INGREDIENTS for the Bundt
1 cup butter at room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
4 eggs at room temperature
1 tsp pure vanilla stract
zest of one big lemon (only the yellow part)
2 cups of flour
2 tsps baking powder
a pinch of salt
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
Lemonade Frosting
1 cup icing sugar
2-4 tbsp fresh lemon juice
- Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Butter or spray the Bundt pan.
- In the bowl of the electric mixer beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy and pale in color, about 3 or 4 minutes. Scrape down the sides and the bottom of the bowl if needed.
- Beat in the vanilla extract. Add the eggs, one at a time mixing well after each addition. At this point the mixture looks curdled. Don't panic! it's normal.
- Whisk together the flour, salt, baking powder and zest. Add the flour mixture alternately with the lemon juice. Flour (1/3), juice (1/2), flour...etc. Mix well.
- Pour into the pan and bake for about 40min depending on your oven (in mine, 40min is far too long). Do not overbake, it will be dry.
- Place on a wire rack to cool for about 15min. Then gently remove from pan and leave to cool completely.
To make the frosting:
- Sift the sugar and add lemon juice to get a thick and smooth glaze. Pour over the cake allowing it to drip down the sides.
*If you want part of the frosting to soak the top of the bundt, pour while the cake is still warm.
I hope you enjoy this cake as much as we did!!
Well I have ended up with a very simple lemon pound cake mixture from Jane Pettygrew's The National Trust Book of Tea-Time Recipes.
INGREDIENTS for the Bundt
1 cup butter at room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
4 eggs at room temperature
1 tsp pure vanilla stract
zest of one big lemon (only the yellow part)
2 cups of flour
2 tsps baking powder
a pinch of salt
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
Lemonade Frosting
1 cup icing sugar
2-4 tbsp fresh lemon juice
- Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Butter or spray the Bundt pan.
- In the bowl of the electric mixer beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy and pale in color, about 3 or 4 minutes. Scrape down the sides and the bottom of the bowl if needed.
- Beat in the vanilla extract. Add the eggs, one at a time mixing well after each addition. At this point the mixture looks curdled. Don't panic! it's normal.
- Whisk together the flour, salt, baking powder and zest. Add the flour mixture alternately with the lemon juice. Flour (1/3), juice (1/2), flour...etc. Mix well.
- Place on a wire rack to cool for about 15min. Then gently remove from pan and leave to cool completely.
To make the frosting:
- Sift the sugar and add lemon juice to get a thick and smooth glaze. Pour over the cake allowing it to drip down the sides.
I hope you enjoy this cake as much as we did!!